Excellence is accepted as the specific aim of this school. To this end “excellence” is defined as the ability to discover and/or design methods which will bring about harmony between technology and original nature; between sickness and health; between want and affluence; between justice and injustice; between ignorance and insight; between parents and children.
For sowing the seeds of excellence in young children, opportunity is given for boisterous physical play, a wide variety of interesting themes, challenging projects, creative thinking and unlimited flights of fancy. In addition, it is expected of every child to participate in all this without fear and without hesitation.
In order to create and maintain these high standards, rules are in place for the benefit of parents, children and staff members.Our school is based on Christian principles and as such has a Christian ethos.To avoid any misunderstanding, please make sure you are aware of the following aspects of our school:
SCHOOL HOURS 07:00 – 18:00
Gates are open in the morning from 07:00 to 08:10.
Gates will be open for fetching children not attending the aftercare from 12:00 – 13:10. Between 13:10 and 14:00 the gates are locked, so that the children can rest.
BREAKFAST: | 08:00 |
OFFICIAL PROGRAMME: | 08:10 – 12:30 |
LUNCH: | 12:00 – 12:20 (Junior group) |
12:30 – 13:00 (Middle, Seniors & Gr R groups) |
We follow a four-term year, but the school presents a holiday programme during March/April, June/July and September/October for children of working parents. We are closed for a week in July and for the Christmas school holidays.
The gates are closed between 13:10 and 14:00 in order for children to rest. You will only be allowed to enter the school during this period through prior arrangement subject to the policy regarding extramural activities.
If someone other than yourself is fetching your child in the afternoon, please phone Administration in the morning and make arrangements. You can also write the instructions in the designated book in the office.
Aftercare closes at 18:00.
Each child’s bag has a transparent pouch in which a booklet with a red and a blue side is placed. This is the communication between you and the teacher if you cannot talk to the teacher yourself during reception. When the red side is visible, there is a message from the teacher or parent and both parties know that there is a message.
Weekly class letters are distributed through email as well as the monthly newsletters. Also visit our website as well as our Facebook page
If you are concerned about matters concerning your child and / or the school, feel free to bring the matter to the attention of your class teacher first and if the matter is not addressed satisfactorily, you can make an appointment with the principal.
Every quarter, each age group’s parents are given the opportunity to visit the school during school hours. The purpose of this visit is to enable you to experience a part of your child’s school day with him / her. You will be welcomed by the class teacher and she will explain how all the learning stations in the class work. You then play with your child for one hour at any learning stations of your child’s choice.
As you participate in the various learning stations, it will hopefully give you more insight into their daily activities and gain knowledge about what your child does at school, as well as to build and broaden your relationship with the school.
Juniors (2 – 3 yr. class) do not have to bring lunch boxes as the school provides them with food for snack time. The Juniors can bring additional water in a “sippy” cup or water bottle.
Parents of children from the Middle group (3 – 4 yr.) up to Grade R provide sandwiches for snack time (10:00). Please keep our policy in mind which promotes healthy eating habits and therefore no sweets / cookies should be in lunch boxes.
You are welcome to send treats to class on your child’s birthday. Because birthdays are celebrated during snack time, we request that you do not go overboard with the sweets – one treat and a juice is more than enough.
The outside play area is an extension of the inside learning programme. It holds more opportunity for gross motor movement and investigative activities. All these activities form part of the child’s complete learning experience.
We planned our Outside Area based on all – and more – of the undermentioned. MCPP strive to provide as many opportunities as possible in order for your child to have a wide range of development experiences.
“Movement activates the neural wiring throughout the body, making the whole body an instrument of learning”.
“Beginning in infancy and continuing throughout our lives, physical movement plays an essential role in creating nerve cell networks that are the essence of learning”.(Hannaford C; 1995).
“The first requirement in designing any child care space should be to maximize opportunities for children to move their entire body freely and extensively in all directions. Whether indoors or out, our designs must be based on what children do when they are moving – the specific ways they move.
Their bodies in relation to space and objects: “Children climbing……. crawling………. sliding………. balancing………. hiding…….and jumping off………. are not simply being obstreperous. Their actions are motivated by a deep, primary, developmental need to explain the multifaceted parameters of physical activity” (Olds, A.R; Human Ecology Forum 1980).
“Movement – exploration, which utilizes divergent problem solving with many different responses to a single challenge, allows children to respond to challenges at their own developmental levels and rates” (Pica, R; 1993).
At all times, at least one staff member on duty is trained in First Aid as well as the office personnel. Every teacher has a basic First Aid Box at hand and a well-equipped First Aid Box is available in the office. In case of an accident, a proper procedure is in place which has to be followed by the staff. A report gets written in the Incident Book for your information. When an injury is serious to the point of medical intervention, a full report is provided to you.
The school also has free access to the Estate’s emergency response unit for assistance.
This is a very important stage in your child’s life. It should be a healthy experience without any stress. Our staff is experienced and very patient, and we hope you will follow in this way at home.
- Training starts with the older children in the group.
- You will be informed two weeks before commencing.
- Do not put unnecessary pressure on your child – it will only prolong the process.
- Follow the process at home as well. Your continued participation is important.
- Send 4-6 sets of clothes as well as plastic bags for wet clothes.
- Clothes must have elastic in the middle for easy taking off or putting on.
We are dependent on parents to provide useful junk products. These provide many developmental and exploratory possibilities for the child. The same applies for old equipment needed in the technology learning area (e.g. old telephones; computers, kettle’s etc.).