Perception is the contact the brain makes with the outside world by means of information conveyed to the brain by the senses, e.g. the eyes look and the mind see. Perception also occurs through hearing, the smell, taste and feeling (touch) senses.

Perceptual Motor Development refers to the child’s ability to receive, interpret and respond successfully to sensory information. “Perception” is the receiving or input system while “Motor” refers to out or responsive movement.

Perceptual Motor skills are integrated sensory-motor reactions as a result of coordinated movement controlled by the brainstem and which influences reading, writing, spelling and speech.

It includes hand-eye and foot-eye coordination (visual motor control), balance, body image, spatial orientation, laterality, directionality, proprioception as well as form discrimination and it develops from head to foot (cephalo-caudal) as well as from the core of the body outwards (proximo-distal).

Our Perceptual program allows us to detect learning and development areas that needs attention at an early stage. Attention can then be focused on certain work in order to rectify or improve this. There is no charge for this service that forms part of our Grade R curriculum.