The school has a t-shirt and a tracksuit that is worn to school on Fridays. The t-shirt and tracksuit are also compulsory during excursions, inhouse visits, photo days and special events. These items are for sale at the school.

The school hat is worn every day during outdoor play during school hours as well as in the after-school. Children without hats will play in the sand pit to avoid sunburn. Hats are left at school in the marked class’s hat basket before the children leave in the afternoons.

Please dress your child in comfortable, old, washable clothes as messy play forms part of the programme. Due to the negative impact action figures on T-shirts (Batman, Spiderman, etc.) have on the children’s fantasy play, this type of T-shirts may not be worn to school. Proven research has indicated that it is best for the development of your child’s feet to walk barefoot. We therefore, believe that shoes with soles that cannot bend, girls with high heels and shoes with slippery shoes with slippery soles flip-flops and crocs hamper children from developing gross motor skills as well as to gain the benefits of sensory integration, so we believe in barefoot play and walking. A suitable shoe for winter wear is lace-up shoes that have a soft sole which bends.

The girls like to climb and hang on the jungle gym but some experience difficulty as their dresses are too long and they tramp on them or they are too short. Please ensure that if your child is wearing a dress or skirt that she puts ski pants or tights on underneath. This will allow them the freedom to climb freely… Pack an additional set of clothes (season appropriate) in case of an accident. All clothing and shoes must be clearly marked.